The good news about obesity and weight loss is that you will begin to feel better and reap the benefits of losing pounds after a very modest loss of only five to ten percent of your weight. So, let's say you weight 180 pounds. After a loss of only 9 to 18 pounds you will begin to reap the rewards of your work.

diet plans

That's encouraging! If you weigh 200 pounds, it may seem impossibly difficult to lose 50 of those pounds. However, if your goal is to lose 10 pounds, rather than 50, it seems less daunting. Once you've lost the initial 10 pounds, your state of health will be better, and, you will feel better about yourself, which will serve to motivate you to continue with your new lifestyle.

Lifestyle changes are typically the only effective "bottom line" approach to weight loss. Those changes include new ways of eating, a healthy perspective about food, and an increase in activity level. In some cases of severe weight issues which have been unresponsive to aggressive and consistent efforts to lose weight, drugs or even surgery may be indicated. This is not usually the case.

Dietary changes

The majority of us are overweight because we are eating too much and exercising too little. The calories consumed are greater than the calories used up. To deal with the "intake" problem, cut the portion size of everything that goes into your mouth by at least one-third (one-half is even slice of toast instead of two, one-half of the orange, one half of the reuben sandwich, and so on). Stop drinking all beverages that have been sweetened with sugar. Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. (One half of your plate should be filled with them...the other half is equally divided between protein and grains).

Behavioral changes

Never, ever use food as a reward (for yourself or your children). That is not the place of is for nourishing our bodies and maintaining our health. Eliminate second don't need more food. Stop mindless eating...when you eat, eat. (No computer, telephone, TV while you are eating.) Drink more water


Develop a habit of motion. Walk instead of drive whenever you can. Use stairs instead of the elevator. Park further away in the parking lot. Walk after lunch and dinner. Make more trips back and forth in your home when you're picking-up. Walk the mall. Ride your bike. Join a yoga class. Exercise with a friend. Mow your own lawn (no riding mowers). Weed your garden. Walk around the block on the spur of the moment. Go for a stroll with your friend to chat (rather than sitting over coffee). The point is, if you think motion, you will develop habits that will be good for your health and excellent for weight reduction. (Remember, the weight came on one ounce at a time...that is exactly how it will come off.)

Making changes in these three areas will cause weight loss. Beyond that, however, is that once these habits are firmly established, you will be all set for a lifetime of healthful weight maintenance.

Set realistic goals to lose weight.

How to diet